Rosie Jackson - Schlangensymbol - Acryl - Radierungen -
Acrylic Paintings – Dreams Come True


Acrylic Paintings – Dreams Come True Detail 1 Acrylic Paintings – Dreams Come True Detail 2

Dreams Come True

Rosie Jackson 2003
Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

The dark green seedvisage is crying tears of regret at a broken relationship. Pieces of the past are floating on the bluish background. Two figures hang rather hopelessly from parachutes, and another desperately stretches out horizonhands.

But the figure can also visualise its dreams for a new life full of vitality, and vibrantly coloured wishes are streaming out of its spawnorifice: the hope for a new love: for a state of total awareness (the three figures lying, meditating and pointing): for affinity with nature (birds and fish): and for active hands.

The green eye is still clouded with the past. The dreams are somewhat fragmented - opensecretselffingers are lying passively and rivers of searching hungerfish end abruptly – but a start has been made and the yellow eye can already see more clearly.