About Rosie Jackson
1960 Born in St. Annes-on-the-Sea, Lancashire, England
1979 - 83 Joint Honours Degree in German and French, University of Durham
1983 84 Teacher Training at the University of Oxford
1985 -87 Voluntary Service Overseas, Peoples’ Republic of China
1987 - present Resident in Munich, Germany
Artwork and other professions:
Paintings - Spiritual Revolution Seminars - Messages from Seraphin and Visions received through meditation - Personal Counseling Sessions - Songs for the Spirit and Videos - Mosaics - Etchings – Interior design - Translations – Art book editing
Symbolic elements in Rosie Jackson’s work
Grievingtrees Explosioneggs Headless Torsovases Hungerfish
Evasioneyes Pioneerpaths Searcharms Safarispirals Goldenglobes
Cushionwalls Salvationchains Mushroomseeds Manipulationmasks
Promisecandles Compassroots Horizonhands Mirrorsnails Selfsteerships
Shadowpainholes Surveyingtrees Alchemysnakes Misshapeflowers
Seedvisages Spawnorifices Miracleroses Sentryleaves - Selfsteerships
Ultimatehearts Findsecretselffingers Transformationdoors Letembraceletters
My Dreams
Travelling, within myself and elsewhere
Searching for new spiritual horizons
Being actively aware of the many paths available
Acting without prejudice and preconception
Daring to examine the shadows behind the light
Overcoming old behavioural patterns
Restraining from self-injury and rejecting ballast
Working on the past and on grief
Realising the possibilities for change
Experiencing the power of positive energy
Imitating the resiliance of nature
Recognising the potential of every person
Accompanying others along their path
Individual and global peace